id: flight-plan title: Get Flight Plan meta: Overview of the flight plan endpoint of the Infinite Flight Live API order: 6

Get Detailed Flight Plan #

Retrieve the flight plan for a specific active flight.

Resource #


Authorization #

Include your API key (<apikey>) by either:

Parameters #

Name Located in Description Required Schema
flightId path ID of the flight. The flight must be in an active session and have a filed flight plan. Yes string (uuid)

Response #

Sample Response #

  "errorCode": 0,
  "result": {
      "flightPlanId": "4a57de08-a3b1-48ba-a081-adeff0a5b503",
      "flightId": "0b8cc273-d97d-4223-afac-907d09d8ca8b",
      "waypoints": [
      "lastUpdate": "2021-01-06 15:35:04Z",
      "flightPlanItems": [
          "name": "AMAHE",
          "type": 0,
          "children": null,
          "identifier": null,
          "altitude": -1,
          "location": {
            "latitude": 26.92723722,
            "longitude": -77.47139889,
            "altitude": 0
          "name": "L12R",
          "type": 2,
          "children": [
              "name": "ZESTY",
              "type": 0,
              "children": null,
              "identifier": "ZESTY",
              "altitude": 4000,
              "location": {
                "latitude": 44.97196917,
                "longitude": -93.429735,
                "altitude": 0
              "name": "RW12R",
              "type": 0,
              "children": null,
              "identifier": "RW12R",
              "altitude": -1,
              "location": {
                "latitude": 44.887794494628906,
                "longitude": -93.23413848876953,
                "altitude": 0
          "identifier": "L12R",
          "altitude": 0,
          "location": {
            "latitude": 0,
            "longitude": 0,
            "altitude": 0

LiveAPIResponse #

Response Type: application/json

Name Type Description
errorCode integer Enum: "Ok = 0", "UserNotFound = 1", "MissingRequestParameters = 2", "EndpointError = 3", "NotAuthorized = 4", "ServerNotFound = 5", "FlightNotFound = 6", "NoAtisAvailable = 7"
result [FlightPlanInfo] Array of FlightPlanInfo objects

FlightPlanInfo #

Name Type Description
flightPlanId string (uuid) Unique identifier for the flight plan
flightId string (uuid) Unique identifier for the flight. Associate with the response from the Get Flights endpoint
waypoints [string] Deprecated. An array of waypoint names. You can correlate these with data from the Airport Editing Project
lastUpdate string Last report time of the flight plan in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZ
flightPlanItems [FlightPlanItem] An array of FlightPlanItems which contain waypoint and procedure data for points in a flight plan.

FlightPlanItem #

Name Type Description
name string Name of the waypoint or the procedure. In the children array, this is the name of a waypoint inside a procedure.
type integer Type of procedure for this item. Only use this if the FlightPlanItem’s children field is populated and not null. Enum: "Sid = 0", "STAR = 1", "Approach = 2", "Track = 3", "Unknown = 5"
children [FlightPlanItem] An array of FlightPlanItems containing waypoint information about a procedure. Only present if this item defines a procedure (SID/STAR/Approach/Track). If not, assume this is a Fix/VOR/Custom User Waypoint.
identifier string Identifier for the waypoint or the procedure. This is not unique.
altitude integer The altitude in feet for this waypoint. This is optionally defined by the user and defaults to -1 if not set.
location Coordinate A Coordinate object defining the position of this waypoint.

Coordinate #

Name Type Description
latitude double Current decimal latitude of the aircraft
longitude double Current decimal longitude of the aircraft
altitude double Current decimal altitude of the aircraft